Sigma Psi Zeta Chapter is excited about its Adopt-A-School Program. This school year the Chapter is launching partnerships with some new schools while continuing to support the students, teachers and families in our community. The Chapter kicked off the 2016-2017 school year by participating in Back to School Night at three of its adopted schools. Month long preparations were made to make sure Back to School night was a success.
On September 7th Chapter members participated in Back to School night at two schools, Lewisdale Elementary School in Hyattsville and Dodge Park Elementary School in Landover. The Chapter provided backpacks and school supplies to Lewisdale Elementary. At Dodge Park Elementary, with the assistance of Chapter member Esther Staunton White, the Chapter held a raffle for 2 backpacks containing school supplies and also provided school uniforms for the students.
On September 8th the Chapter participated in Back to School Night at Carmody Hills Elementary School in Capitol Heights. At Carmody Hills, the Chapter held a raffle for 6 backpacks containing school supplies and met the school’s new administration. Also, through the efforts of Chapter member Courtney Wilkerson, Sigma Psi Zeta was able to donate 35 additional backpacks to the school. The Chapter also presented the School Liaison with a gift bag in recognition of her commitment and support of the Chapter’s goals and objectives over the past year.
In addition to participating in Back to School Night at its three adopted schools, Sigma Psi Zeta Chapter also participated in the National Pan Hellinic Council Prince George’s County Chapter’s Back to School Night for Youth and Scholarship participants at Suitland High School. At this event, with the assistance of Chapter member Allanna Webb, the Chapter shared information about its scholarship program.
When asked about the success of this year’s Back to School night, Richetta Webb, the Chapter’s Second Vice President, stated “The Back to School night events this year were very well planned and executed. I do think that having a School Liaison at each school has been the key that was needed to ensure that the activities were more structured and coordinated. The School Liaison is critical to the success of the Back to School night programs.”
The Adopt-A-School Program is one of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.’s National Programs. Under this program, Sorority members identify schools in need and assist these schools in various ways. Sorority members work closely with the adopted school’s administration to determine the needs of the school in order to provide assistance that will enhance the students’ educational experience and increase overall grades and test scores.